Professor Joshua Tate's Lecture at USP (Universidade de São Paulo)

Amigos de São Paulo. O Professor Universitário de Direito Testamental e Civil, doutor pela Universidade de Yale estará dando uma palestra na USP, dia 6 de Abril, ao meio-dia, na "Sala da Congregação" para alunos e advogados interessados em saber / conhecer mais sobre o direito americano.
I highly encourage you to attend this event if you can. Also, please spread the word just so your friends and colleagues have a chance to participate in this unique lecture.
Joshua Tate's research and teaching focuses on legal history, property, and trusts and estates. He has been a full-time faculty member at SMU Dedman School of Law since the fall of 2005, and was a visiting assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in the spring of 2008. In the fall of 2012, he was a Lloyd M. Robbins Senior Research Fellow at the University of California at Berkeley. He currently serves as co-chair of the Legal Education and Uniform Acts for Trust and Estate Law Committee for the ABA Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section, has chaired the Sutherland Prize Committee for the American Society for Legal History, and was recently appointed by the Selden Society as Honorary Secretary and Treasurer for the United States. He has given invited presentations at numerous academic conferences, colloquia, and workshops both in the United States and abroad, and is currently engaged in a study of the development of property rights and remedies in medieval England, focusing on issues of jurisdictional conflict with regard to rights of presentation to churches. He is admitted to practice in Texas and Connecticut.
Prof. Tate received his B.A. summa cum laude, 1996, from Pomona College; M.Phil., 1997, from the University of Cambridge; J.D., 2002, Yale Law School; and his Ph.D., 2009, from Yale University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Go check it out!!




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