SMU Dedman School of Law, LL.M Degree Program - Dallas, TX

Hello y'all, Já estudo na SMU faz dois anos e ainda não havia escrito nada sobre a minha Universidade. Let me introduce you to the school I go to and tell you why you should give SMU a shot :) Esse post vai em inglês ... SMU DEDMAN SCHOOL OF LAW SMU Dedman School of Law was founded in 1925 and it is located on a magnificent tree-lined campus, ten minutes from downtown Dallas, Texas, and situated in a beautiful residential community (bairro também conhecido como "Highland Park"). Dallas is an expanding global center, ranking second in the country in corporate headquarters of Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 companies. It is also a great place to study law and live, with a strong legal community and a low cost of living. THE INTERNATIONAL LL.M. PROGRAM The program for international students, established in the early 1950's, was among the first in the country. Today the school is a leading international legal center with more than 2,000 internatio...